Roof Started

15th June 2015
Our roof was started on Monday and then delayed due to wet weather. Quite a few discrepencies between the SS and CSC in regards to where we are actually at, The SS sent through the below photos and stated still on track for completition 19/06/2015 and scaffolding will come down ready for roughin.


  1. I refuse to believe that after two months of nothing we can reach the. Same stage as you.

  2. What stage are you at now? How long since site works?

  3. Oh man. Bad weather while in the middle of remodeling a house is one of the worst things to go through. It can be so stressful, but usually it all works out in the end. When the roof is done, all of this will be forgotten and you’ll be so happy that you stuck with the renovation. Good luck!

    Pleasance  Faast @ Shelton Roof
